London, UK
The Next Generation
Squared Watermelon Ltd has deep knowledge and insight of the Next Generation. It is also very closely aligned with this segment. This knowledge is backed by research, focus group sessions and personal interactions. We are a relationships driven company and have brainstormed the concept of holding an Awards event with a number of individuals. The feedback has been very motivating and we are being encouraged both by the baby boomers and Next Generation to take our concept to market.
We also have an appreciation of luxury, investment and spending trends, understand the wealth management, next generation/succession planning challenges and opportunities.
Vision of the Awards
The ultimate platform to connect the next generation of inspiring leaders and businesses.
Mission of the Awards
To support and promote the next generation of inspiring leaders as role models for future generations.
Core Values of a 21st Century Icon
What does it mean to be a 21st Century Icon?
By their actions or values the winners of the 21st Century Awards are worthy of being venerated as the highest symbol of achievement in their fields. In particular demonstrating:
Personal integrity – recognised by others as actively living their values and these drive their decisions.
Impact – their actions or activities have positively impacted their world – whether business, finance, sport or philanthropy etc.
Spirit – committed to their cause, a risk taker, resilient, even when things take a turn for the worse.
Financial acumen – commercial, and have created a sound basis for future, sustainable growth.
Influence and community – through personal charisma have influenced those around them to achieve more and /or aim higher.
Humbleness – an appreciation of own good fortune and have worked hard to improve the lives of others.
Sustainability and ESG
​The 21st Century Icon Awards recognise that businesses need to focus on core essentials that drive their strategy. That said, the Panel of Judges are always keen to see companies both large and small build their long-term strategy according to a higher-level framework surrounding the environment, social responsibility, and governance, or ESG and Sustainability.
Tarun Ghulati
Extensive global leadership experience in financial services with an exceptional track record as a fund raiser, asset manager and deal maker. Lived and worked in 7 countries across Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa, primarily as an International Manager with HSBC, its select group of global managers.​​​​
Global CEO of UTI International Ltd-subsidiary of India's largest asset management company. Managed assets in excess of USD 2.4 billion from offices in London, Guernsey, Singapore, Dubai, Bahrain and Mauritius.
Led HSBC Premier, managing HNW relationships with with over USD 40 billion of assets and was also Head of HSBC International Personal Banking, ensuring a seamless proposition across countries for international customers.
Led HSBC's Operations for 15 countries across Asia Pacific, ensuring their profitable functioning through implementation of annual operating plans in line with the overall Strategic plan.
Led HSBC's Credit & Risk for 14 countries across Asia Pacific monitoring, analysing and managing credit and risk internationally and ensuring profitability of country operations.
Regional Head Sales & Distribution and Credit & Risk, Citibank India.
Sat on over 30 boards in the UK, Singapore, Guernsey, Mauritius, Kenya and Botswana.
Committee Member of the London Chamber of Commerce Asian Business Association.
Member of the UK Trade and Investment Global Entrepreneur India Advisory Group.

Preeti Rana
Founder/Chief Creative Officer
A seasoned Marketing professional with over 12 years of experience in the sector with an enviable track record as a marketer, creative director, entertainment guru, media coordinator and IT consultant.
Founded RaRa events in 2008, an integrated marketing company which has an international footprint with affiliates and partners in the UK, India, Dubai, and Bahrain.
Handled public affairs mandates for corporate entities, managed international brand building campaigns, undertaken client acquisition and retention activities, assisted in creating movie and music distribution reach, organised international sports events, award events, fashion shows and improved business outcomes through digital marketing and social media campaigns.
Holds a Masters in Distributed Computer Systems from the University of Greenwich, UK.